A Trunk Full of Grannies

What to make with Granny Squares:

1. One granny square equals one coaster.
2. One granny square, along with some felt and stuffing, and you'll have a pretty pin cushion.
3. Two granny squares and some felt for padding will produce one potholder.
4. Two large grannies can travel along as a handy beach bag.
5. Two small squares stitched together, then lined with felt, and you'll have a handy home for all those loose needles.
6. Two motifs, tied with ribbons at the sides and shoulders, can be a vest for a favorite doll.
7. Make three tiny granny squares of fine crochet cotton, stitch them together into a strip, and you'll have a gift for the family bookworm.
8. Gather all your knitting worsted yarn scraps together, make four granny squares to cover that "seen better days" sofa pillow.
9. Four granny squares equals an eyeglass case-- 2 squares on each side.
10. Sew six grannies into a two motif by three motif rectangle and you'll have a table mat.
11. Nine tiny granny squares will make a doll house afghan. The best yarn to use here is one strand of three-ply needle point yarn.
12. Nine four-inch granny squares can cover the side of a slightly worn, but oh-so-handy tote. Eighteen squares and you can cover the whole thing!
13. Nine granny squares is also the right size for a seat cushion for the dining room chairs.
14. Sixteen granny squares in rug yarn makes a nice bathroom rug. Figuring four squares by four squares, you can make it larger, if you like.
15. Twenty granny squares makes the perfect welcome mat. This is four squares by five squares for a nice rectangle to fit by the front door.
16. Thirty-two is about the right number of granny squares to cover the old backing on your rocking chair. Figure a four by eight block rectangle; be sure to measure the chair as rockers, of course, differ.

You have now found a home for 122 granny squares.


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