Linda's Crafty Chronicles
Volume 1, Issue 9 - October 2000

In this Issue:
Halloween Craft Sites
New Patterns
Next Month


Welcome to the October 2000 edition of Linda's Crafty Chronicles. Sorry for the delay. I hope that everyone is beginning to enjoy the changing of the leaves. The trees up my street are beginning to turn gold, can't wait for the rest of the colors. We have been busy here with the filming of a movie in town. Don't know the name but it stars Whoopie Goldberg, Cuba Gooding Jr., Seth Green and a few others some of which came to homecoming. Ely Nevada has been transformed into Silver City New Mexico. They are using our Ghost Train and brought their own monster truck. Sounds like an interesting movie. I'm told it will be out around Memorial Day next year. Makes for interesting driving downtown.

For those waiting for a copy of the Hyacinth Pattern don't worry. I received a lot of SASE and I am getting them out ASAP. I haven't forgotten.


Halloween Craft Sites
By now the children are deciding what they want to be this year for Halloween. You may be trying to come up with decorations and refreshments for a party. Teachers may be coming up with activities for the class Halloween party. If you need some help, here it comes. I have found a few sites that are a very big help.

Make Stuff.coms's Halloween Activities and Craft Project Ideas

This following site has Safety ideas, Recipes, costumes, activities, Free downloads of screen savers, wallpaper, themes, fonts and more for your Halloween Holiday delight. Halloween


If you haven't tried Origami you don't know what you are missing. Most people and children do basic origami and don't even know it. When you fold a paper airplane, you are doing origami. When you fold your letter to place in an envelope, you are doing origami. Origami is the folding of paper to create something else(my definition). I have several origami books that I use all the time. You can find books in your local public library, in a book store, or on the internet. You can even find them in those book sales your child's school . Most origami has the same basic folds. It is the combination of these folds and the type of paper used that can assist you in making some pretty impressive decorations. I've used colored copy paper but the sculptures work out and look better if you use origami paper(thin like tissue paper).

I have found a site that is titled Fly Over The Garden Of Origami. It has the history of origami, diagrams and instructions for simple sculptures, juggling with origami, Mastery and the Gallery.


New Patterns

I have a few new patterns this month. I have a new fastener for the buttonless towel topper in last issue. You should see more fasteners as the holidays come and go and as my fancy tickles me. The fastener for this month is a ghost. I also have a new picture for the basic flower on the topper page.
I also have a pattern for a new dishcloth. The pattern for the Woven Stitch Dishcloth is very simple and can be adapted to make a baby afghan as well.


Next Month

Thanksgiving Recipes
Christmas Countdown Ideas
and more I haven't even thought of yet.
New Patterns

Most of the next 2 issues are going to be dealing with Christmas. I will also put in other holidays also like Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, and Kwanza.


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